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Strategic Tree Risk Management

With experience managing tree risk at various levels including surveying, managing policy and procedures, setting strategies, as well as delivering training to surveyors and to those responsible for tree populations, we are ideally placed to provide pragmatic, balanced advice on all aspects of tree risk management

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Tree Risk Services

Landowners have a statutory duty of care to do all that is reasonably practical to ensure that people are not exposed to a risk to their health and safety. This duty can be fulfilled by having a system in place to control the risk from trees. A tree risk management system comprises of four components:

  • A policy that details how the landowner will approach the management of tree related risk
  • A zoning plan to inform decision making for tree surveys
  • A tree survey to assess the trees and determine the level of risk
  • A mitigation plan to reduce any risk to as low as reasonably practicable

This approach is advocated by the Health and Safety Executive under the Plan Do Check Act methodology for effective tree risk management and follow relevant guidance from the National Tree Safety Groups (NTSG) and Lantra.

We offer the following types of risk services

  • Tree Risk Management Policy

    A Tree Risk Management Policy is not always needed, but even when recommended, it does not need to be a complex process. We can help develop a practical, reasonable Tree Risk Management Policy that ensures the level of usage around trees is understood and so the appropriate type and frequency of inspection required is established.

  • Tree Risk Survey

    From individual trees to large populations, we carry out tree risk surveys that follow a structured process called Visual Tree Assessment (VTA). Every tree is inspected from ground level, the tree's health is assessed, and any defects are identified. We then produce a schedule with prioritised works that will mitigate the defects, lowering the risk they present to an acceptable level. Using our mapping software to plot any tree that requires work, we produce plans that clearly show the location of all these trees.

  • Tree Population Survey

    Sometimes it is important to understand the whole tree population. A Population Survey records every tree within a given area. This overview of a tree population can be useful if there is a need to understand the ratio of different ages, species, health etc. This can help inform future management.

    We can adapt the survey to include any specific measures our clients may need to report on, such as canopy cover or disease resistance.

    At the same time as recording this information a Tree Risk Survey is often carried out, with recommendations made for any required works.

  • Tree Management Survey

    There are some circumstances that demand a full tree management approach. Our clients that require Tree Management Surveys are often managing estates or housing areas with communal landscaped areas.

    The method for each situation is bespoke with only elements included that are relevant to the requirements of the site; frequently, this includes a combination of a Population Survey (where every tree and its condition is recorded), and a Tree Risk Survey, recommendations are also made in relation to  ‘nuisance’ – this may be where trees are causing an issue with guttering, footpaths, parking or the highway.

  • Ancient Tree Surveys

    Ancient trees are incredibly important. Not only fundamental in their own right, they are of great ecological, cultural and historic significance, supporting a remarkable diversity of wildlife.

    Ancient trees may require very specific methods of management. We specialise in enabling the long-term retention of these extraordinary trees. We are able to do this because we have an intimate understanding of the potential issues and the possible responses of the trees to different management techniques.

    With years’ experience of caring for and managing some of Europe’s most important ancient trees we are uniquely placed to provide the best solutions whether you have a single tree or a population of hundreds.

    Having surveyed thousands of ancient trees we are very experienced with the use of the Specialist Survey Method (commonly used for ancient tree surveys), but we are also able to adapt the survey to our clients needs.

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Clients we can help:

  • Domestic tree owners with professional advice on the management of trees.
  • Local Authorities with strategies, TPO decisions, surveying and development applications
  • Schools, universities, parish councils, facilities, and landscape management companies manage tree risk and enhance the learning environment.
  • Landowners with tree inventories helping to develop ‘Zoning’ management systems.
  • Historic parkland or small to large estates meet their duty of care.
  • GIS/GPS tree management system software to manage large numbers of trees, for a wide range of landowners and estate managers.

No project is too big or too small. We have undertaken condition and safety surveys nationwide for clients with multiple sites and large tree populations and also individual trees in private gardens. Get in contact with us today to discuss your survey requirements and obtain an obligation-free quotation.

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